Implementing Ask

Ask involves a new way to relate to others, which is supported by extensive research.

Crumpled Agenda

Abandoning the Agenda

Ask shows you how to enter into conversations with a switch in emphasis from conveying information to eliciting it. Ask helps you abandon the goal of “educating” who you’re talking with, demonstrating your expertise, or discussing your personal history.

Black lab, listening - Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Adopting the Attitude

Ask helps create a mindset where a conversation becomes an open-ended exploration about the person you’re talking to that doesn’t require persuasion or an outcome. Ask shows how you can engage the person you are speaking to through questions that get to the heart of the matter: them.

Woman talking and man listening - Photo by from Pexels

Asking and Answering

Ask illustrates the power of the right question by showing how you can forge an empathetic connection that transcends small talk and offers an emotional connection.  Ask also helps you pivot the conversation back to the other while finding satisfaction in active listening that feeds your emotional needs as well.